Quality work is our highest priority. If you have been invited to contribute a chapter or an article to a professional publication, we can review your work in a timely manner to assure that it reflects well on you as a service professional.
If you have a book in mind, know that we will give you and your book the same careful attention we give authors with New York publishers.
We have edited and coauthored books published by Elsevier, Harper/Quill, Healing Arts, Hunter House, Jones & Bartlett, McGraw-Hill, Mosby, New Harbinger, New World Library, and North Atlantic.
We support your finest efforts, working with you collaboratively to produce work that you that reflects your expertise and professionalism.
Our services enable you to write on your own timeline, so you can get your ideas out of your head and onto the page. With our support, you can complete essential projects without negatively affecting your professional or personal life.
Substantive Editing
Sometimes a book requires a more in-depth approach. This is considered substantive editing or developmental editing. These approaches involves a closer look at organization, meaning, style, or voice. Since this type of work may include rewriting or reorganization, it is always done before copy editing begins.
Copy Editing
Even if you are self-publishing, you want your manuscript to be clearly written, well-organized, and free of typos. Publishers always bring in a copy editor before going to press. No exceptions. Editorial review is done by professionals, trained in the conventions of publishing and the rules of grammar.This is the time to hire a skilled editor.
A phased approach to these projects can eliminate much of the stress that authors tend to experience, particularly if they have a busy career. We are accustomed to projects that require a long-term commitment such as books and large websites and would be pleased to discuss your next project.