If you are an expert, you know your topic, and you have a passion for your subject. We have 17 years of experience in project development and access to a wealth of expertise. This partnership can provide the basis for great collaboration.
Projects Completed
• Journal articles
• Books, book chapters
• Research and analysis, information design
• White papers
• Laboratory manuals
• Blogs
Selected Projects
On the topic of the environment, we have worked on book proposals, and books for both consumers and professionals.
The Book – David Goldstein, PhD. Invisible Energy: Strategies to Rescue the Economy and Save the Planet. Bay Tree Publishing, 2010.
Services Provided – Copy editing
The Project – Written by an eminent scientist, this important book on public policy explains how energy-saving technologies can significantly reduce the consumption of natural resources. The publisher engaged the Writers Group for a final edit before going to press. In addition, our editor developed a series of pull quotes throughout the book to highlight the author’s premise with his most compelling (and surprising) data.
Reader Reviews – ““Author David Goldstein, a MacArthur “Genius Award” winner, is a prophet who shows us how to tap into the vein of Invisible Energy to restore what’s most important to us, our economy and the planet we all rely on.” “Highly readable” Amazon reviewers
The Book – Kenneth Bock, MD, Steven Bock, MD, and Nancy Faass. The Germ Survival Guide. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. (Paperback and electronic editions in English; Korean edition, 2006)
Services Provided – Writing and editing services
The Project – This practical, user-friendly guide was written for parents and families. Despite the dramatic cover, this is not an alarmist treatment of germs. Rather, the book takes a proactive approach, focusing on strategies that readers can use to protect themselves and their families.
We provide the back story on the latest research to help readers understand what they can do that will be most effective—and why it works.
This book broke new ground at the time on topics such as the mass feeding of antibiotics to livestock and resistant strep and staph. We looked at the science behind questions such as why one person gets sick and another does not. The book also tracked the research on issues such as the risk of infection in real-world scenarios – from nail salons, tattoo parlors, and theaters to door knobs, floor mops and kitchen sponges.
Journal Publications
The Writers’ Group has participated on a range of projects, including laboratory manuals and journal articles on basic research. Journal articles edited by NJ Faass have appeared in the American Journal of Neuroradiology, Scanning Microscopy, and other scientific publications, and include:
Derby R, Lee SH, Date ES, Lee JH, Lee CH. Size and aggregation of corticosteroids used for epidural injections. Pain Medicine. 2008 Mar;9:227-34.
Seo KS, Derby R, Date ES, Lee SH, Kim BJ, Lee CH. In vitro measurement of pressure differences using manometry at various injection speeds during discography. The Spine Journal. 2007;7:68-73.
Derby R, Lee CH. The efficacy of a two-needle electrode technique in percutaneous radiofrequency rhizotomy: an investigational laboratory study in an animal model. Pain Physician. 2006;9:207-13.
Our clients and coauthors have included academics, consultants, multilingual authors, policy professionals, physicians, and researchers. We provide an initial consultation at no charge and would be delighted to have a discussion about your next publishing project.